Hemba statuette

Hemba statuette

Hemba statue, wood
early XXth
height 35 cm
Tribal Art
eroded base
Inventory number
Sold out

Male Hemba statuette, set on short and powerful legs, arms outstretched slightly bent, hands coming back towards the prominent belly on each side of the navel.

Sex and breasts marked, long neck, holding a head with a slightly flattened nose, semi closed eyelids, the eyebrows high on a round forehead, mouth and lips marked.


Traditional headdress of the wise cross hatched at the back, with pronounced shoulder blades ends this statuette.

The ensemble presents a beautiful attitude, showing force and serenity. Beautiful black patina shining in some places, eroded base.


Origin : 

  • Collection J. Christiaens
  • Private French collection