Ceremonial Senufo ladle

Ceremonial Senufo ladle

ceremonial Senufo ladle from the Ivory Coast, wood
late XIXth early XXth
height 52 cm
Tribal Art
very good
Inventory number
Sold out

Very beautiful and rare ceremonial Senufo laddle from the Ivory Coast, The spherically shaped bowl is decorated with a thin web of small branches holding a circular ring.


The handle composed of a female Sénoufo figure standing up, topped by a standing hornbill 

Topped as well by two tangled rings, the ensemble cut from a single piece of wood.


HT 52 cm, very good state, late XIXth early XXth, beautiful brown patina, shiny in some places


Origin : Liuba and Ernesto Wolf collection (before 1964)


Bibliography : Vente Artcurial Lempertz 2014.


And for a similar piece (probably from the same artist) SENOUFO sans frontières : édition des 5 continents 2015, page 24 louche Senufo collection by Brian and Diane Leyden

Origin Alexander Gallery, Saint Louis. 

And in Tribal Art N° 65 Automne 2012 Page 114

As well in the Sotheby’s African and Oceania art sale of the 30/11/2010 in Paris,

Page 45 N° 79 ceremonial Senufo ladle of a similar conception, origin 
